Adult Training

Every Scout deserves trained adult leaders!

To become a leader, you must complete Position Specific training provided by the BSA through their online training website. Most of the modules are short (about 5-15 min. each) and you can work on them at your own pace. Please see below for the specific instructions about how to start your training.

  1. Visit and create an account. If you have ever been involved in Scouting, you may already have a BSA ID#.

  2. Click on the menu in the upper left of your screen and choose "My Dashboard".

  3. You will see an option on your screen called "Youth Protection Training", Click on "Take Course". This training is required for all registered leaders and is very important. It will take approximately an hour to complete and the certificate will be emailed to you, forward that to our Pack Trainer and Committee Chair.

  4. Now go back to the "My Dashboard" page and click on "Training Center" and then click on "Cub Scouting". It will open a new tab or window and take you to Scouting U.

  5. Click the blue "Add Plan" button for the position you are registering for. The options are Cubmaster, Den Leader, or Pack Committee.

  6. After the Position Plan has been added to your Learning Plan, click on the plan's title and it will take you to the page where you can start working on your training courses.

  7. Next, click on the "Course Catalog" item at the top of the page and enter "sco_800" into the search. This will bring up "Hazardous Weather Training" and click on the first result. On the next page, be sure to verify that you are taking the course that was added on Aug. 2, 2017.

  8. On the Scouting U site, you can click on the "My Learning" item at the top of the page to access your learning plan.

  9. Once you have completed the entire Position Specific Training and Hazardous Weather Training, email the Pack Trainer or Committee Chair and they will finish processing your application.

Council Training Opportunities

Click on image for the BSA training website.

Additional training opportunities offered in person locally are advertised on the Heart of Virginia Council website's training page. You are encouraged to sign up for any courses that you like. Position Specific Training is also provided in a classroom environment by the Council. More training is better than not enough training. Click the image below to visit the council's training page.

Click image for Heart of Virginia training opportunities.