Official Car Specifications
(exceptions apply to the OUTLAW class only)
1. All car designs will be non-offensive and in good taste
2. All cars are to be newly built, previous year cars cannot be used
3. The block of wood, wheels and axles must come from the official BSA kit. With the exception of BSA internet purchases, internet purchased body, wheel and/or axle parts are not permitted. With the exception of the BSA store, store purchased body, wheel and/or axle parts are not permitted.
4. Any specially designed parts (be they internet purchased or from someone with access to sophisticated machining capabilities) which are judged by track officials as contributing to the speed of the car are not permitted. The spirit of the event is for parents and the scout to work together with the materials in the official BSA kit to build a car. It is not intended to be a competition of who can purchase the latest gadgets.
5. The wheels shall not be modified in any way except for the removal of the burr as shown in Figure A. Examples of illegal modifications are shown in Figure B.
6. The axle shall not be modified in any way except of the removal of the burr (Figure C). Removal of excess material from the axle and reducing the diameter of the axle shall not be permitted (Figure D). Polishing of axles shall be permitted.
7. Axles shall be secured with a clear adhesive for inspection. Any axle that cannot be clearly seen can be removed from the car for inspection.
8. The race car may not be constructed or treated in such a way that the track's starting mechanism imparts momentum to the car.
9. Only dry powder lubricants such as graphite powder or white lube T102 type lubricants shall be allowed. Grease, oils, liquid or gel lubricates of any kind shall not be permitted. Cars will not be allowed to be lubricated after they have raced or between races.
10. The cars cannot exceed the following dimensions by more than 1/16 of an inch.
a. Width: 2 ¾ inches
b. Length: 7 inches
c. Ground Clearance: 3/8" (so the car will clear the center guide strip on the track)
d. Wheelbase: 4-1/4" (distance between the front and rear axles)
e. Width between the wheels: 1-3/4" (so the car will clear the center guide strip on the track)
11. The weight of the car cannot exceed 5.0 ounces.
12. The placement of weights so that they project into the wheel cavity is not allowed.
13. Springs, washers, bearings, starting devices, power assistance devices or rubber bands will not be permitted.
14. Cars must have four free spinning wheels.
15. Cars may not have a flexible suspension system.
16. No portion of the car can be modified to give an unfair advantage at the start or finish.
17. The car cannot be designed to allow for anything less than four points of contact with the track
18. Any type or size of weights may be used as long as they do not conflict with the above specifications. Weights must be secured to the car.
19. Any attachments can be used as long as they do not conflict with the above specifications. Attachments must be secured to the car.
20. Cars cannot be designed to cause interference with any other car during the race.
21. Cars cannot be designed with break-away wheels or any other parts.
22. Cars entered at district races must be the same cars that won at the Pack level.
23. Recognizing that not every speed improving gimmick can be anticipated, within accordance of the spirit of this event, track officials have the discretion to make judgments about the fairness of any car. All track official decisions are final. It is likely that parents and scouts working only with the parts supplied by the kit with the addition of weights (unless the weights themselves are part of a new gimmick design) need not be too concerned with this rule.